The uniform makes the organization real and visible. It represents an ideal and a standard. One of the ways to set up a standard and bring the members of an organization up to that standard is through the uniform. It should stimulate loyalty toward that standard by building morale and binding members into closer fellowship. It also appeals to those not already members to join. The uniform strengthens club spirit. The uniform should always be clean and neat.
Wearing one that fits properly will go a long way to make it look sharp. The uniform should be worn with “humble pride.”
We should remember that it acts as a visual announcement of Pathfinder ministry, and should draw questions from observers concerning the meaning of each patch and symbol.
It is recommended that those having uniforms wear them on the following occasions.
At Pathfinder meetings
At special programs (Pathfinder Day, Induction, Investiture, etc.)
At any public gathering when any or all act as
Guards of honor
First-aid details
Color guards
On occasions as specified by Pathfinder staff
While engaging in missionary outreach activities, such as Ingathering, distributing food baskets, gifts, literature, or church announcements, and while visiting nursing homes, shut-ins and community organizations.
If not a member
For work or play
When engaged in selling for personal profit, in selling for commercial or political purposes, or in personal solicitation
At any time or place when its wearing discounts the organization, or casts any reflection upon the uniform, lowers its dignity and esteem, and makes it commonplace
Each Conference is authorized to establish uniform standards for their division based on the guidelines provide by the General Conference. Policy prohibits unauthorized changes to logos and insignia without expressed written permission. This generally does NOT include limits on translation of words or acronyms, or the modification of logos into three dimensional representations etc.
Almost all uniforms and accessories are available from AdventSource unless otherwise specified.
For a detailed explanation of patch and insignia placement for Class A uniforms, please study see this document.
Tan long sleeve or short sleeve shirt with two pleated patch pockets with flaps on the chest and shoulder epaulets.

Female Standard
Slacks – Black, straight leg, pleated front, belt loops, no cuff.
Skirt – Black, A-line, pleated front, belt loops, hem should be at mid-knee or below.
Authorized options – Must be consistent in conference or club as noted. (Not stocked by AdventSource)
Slacks – Black, straight leg, flat front, belt loops, no cuff.
Shorts – Black, Bermuda style and length, pleated front, belt loops.
Shorts – Black, Bermuda style and length, flat front, belt loops.
Skort – Black, belt loops, hem should be at mid-knee or below.
Culottes – Black, belt loops, hem should be at mid- knee or below
Male Standard
Slacks – Black, straight leg, pleated front, belt loops, no cuff
Authorized options – Must be consistent in conference or club as noted. (Not stocked by AdventSource)
Slacks – Black, straight leg, flat front, belt loops, no cuff
Shorts – Black, Bermuda style and length, pleated front, belt loops
Shorts – Black, Bermuda style and length, flat front, belt loops

Black web belts with Pathfinder buckle. The location of the belt buckle should be adjusted so that about one inch of the tail of the web is visible once it has been passed through the buckle.
Authorized options:
Plain, all black leather belt with no ornamentation.
Conferences, clubs and individuals may wear a non-standard issue Pathfinder or Master Guide logo’d Buckle. (Not stocked by AdventSource)

The neckerchief (scarf) is worn over the collar.
Pathfinders and non-Master Guide staff - Yellow Pathfinder Neckerchief with black trim stitching and the Pathfinder World logo. The neckerchief is secured with the black fabric Pathfinder Slide.
TLT’s - Yellow Pathfinder Neckerchief with red trim stitching and the Pathfinder World logo. The neckerchief is secured with the black fabric Pathfinder Slide.
Master Guides - Yellow Master Guide Neckerchief with red trim stitching, six color Master Guide ribbon and the Master Guide logo. The neckerchief is secured with the blue fabric Master Guide Slide.
Authorized Options
Individuals may secure their neckerchief with a non- standard issue or legacy Pathfinder or Master Guide slide.

Female Staff Standard
Plain black tuxedo tie
Authorized options – Consistent by club. Not stocked by AdventSource.
Ascot / cravat
Male Staff Standard
Plain black tie
Authorized Options – Consistent by club. Not stocked by AdventSource.
Ascot / cravat
Pathfinders are not encouraged to wear neckties. If a club elects to wear them, they should match the standards outlined for staff.
All black dress shoes or boots with fully closed toe and heels. Heels of no more than 2 inches. If the shoes have laces, the laces must also be all black. (It is noted that style variations should be allowed by a director if financial hardship plays a significant role.)
All black socks, stockings or knee highs. No designs or patterns.
The sash is the personal club history of the Pathfinder. It is worn over the right shoulder, under the neckerchief and preferably under the epaulet.
Black fabric, may be wide enough for up to 3 honors and as long as the fingertips on the left hand when standing at attention.
Only one sash is to be worn as part of the uniform.
Items to be worn on the sash include optional name plate, honors, camporee and fair patches, Pathfinder pins, Adventurer level pins (but not Adventurer Awards).
Optional, style determined by club and consistent within the club. Options – Stocked by AdventSource.
Pathfinder baseball cap — Worn with the bill squarely over the front of the face.
Black beret – The slope of the beret slants down to the right and should be on an angle such that a continuation of the arm and hand would be in line with the slant while rendering a proper salute. The beret is worn so that the headband (edge binding) is straight across the forehead and level, 1 inch above the eyebrows. The emblem, known as the “flash,” is positioned level over the left eye and the excess beret material is draped over to the right ear. The adjusting ribbon should be secured with a knot and tucked inside the edge binding at the back of the beret once proper size is obtained.
Pathfinder Triangle flashes are also available from AdventSource.
There is no official uniform jacket for staff. Master Guides who are working with Pathfinders may choose to wear a black uniform jacket with their Class A Pathfinder Uniform or to go without. They may also choose to wear traditional green uniform jacket with green slacks or skirt. They may also forgo the green jacket. All standard Pathfinder Insignia should be in place on the jacket. The Master Guide Neckerchief and Slide is worn in place of the standard Pathfinder Neckerchief and Slide.
Uniform cords are optional. Each Club will decide if they will use Shoulder Cords. Check with your Club Director to see if you need these.
The Shoulder Cords help to identify the rank of a wearer from three sides.
Cords should be worn on the left shoulder. Cords should consist of a main braided cord, two outside shoulder loops without ornamentation, and one gold pencil device. (Exception: TLT cord.)
To wear the Cord Unbutton the left epaulet. Insert the left arm through only the bradded loop with the two single (unabraded) shoulder loops on the outside of the arm. Draw the cord up the arm tucking the braded loop under the armpit. The pencil should drop freely down the front left chest. The button loop on the shoulder cord is then placed with the button through it. Then epaulet is replaced over the shoulder cord button loop with the button refastened through the epaulet.

Color Guards or other distinctive groups might choose to use BDU’s (Battle Dress Uniform) or some other (kilt, sarong, etc.) style as approved by the appropriate leadership.
PBE policy states that at Union and Division level PBE events, adherence to the team’s home conference Class A uniform policy satisfies the PBE uniform requirement.
Drill events often have their own set of uniform rules. Check with the event officials to make sure you are in compliance.
NAD authorizes the recognized local conference Pathfinder leadership organization to determine which authorized style of pants, skirt, etc., is approved for use in their conference. Conferences also have the right to delegate this authority to their local clubs, allowing each club to set its own policy based on their needs. It should be noted that often females are given the personal choice of slacks or skirts based on their own personal belief as to what is appropriate wear, especially in a church sanctuary.
Slacks have internal pockets, so this precludes jeans, cargo pants, BDU’s, athletic pants, and sweatpants. In addition, modesty precludes leggings, yoga pants, and other tight fitting clothing that society might label as slacks.
At a minimum a field uniform consists of pants or shorts (modest) and a shirt which are the same throughout the unit. Field uniforms should include Club symbolisms on the shirt. It is permissible to have field uniforms which although similar throughout the club have features unique to a specific unit. When dressed in field uniforms, it should be obvious that those in the field uniform all belong the same club. This may be accomplished through color or another unique feature, such as hats, vests or other conspicuous items which are uniform throughout the club and tie the variations together.
It is permissible to have more than one field uniform, however for the purposes of inspection only one field uniform will be recognized. The club will determine which field uniform will be used at the time of inspection.
Club Ministry Uniform Standards are subject to change only through the approval of the Kansas-Nebraska Conference Club Ministry Leadership Team or at the annual Club Ministry Leadership Training when all clubs are represented to request change or considerations. Unique situations may only be approved by the Club Ministry Leadership Team.