Club Directors & Club Secretaries, contact Lonny Nelson with your YMMS Questions
| Email: lonny@adventsource.org | Call or Text: 531-229-9444 |

YMMS Help Tutorials:
YMMS Club English Tutorials:
- Create A Director/Secretary Account
- Add Members to Your Club - Manually
- Add Members to Your Club - Self Add
- Activate/Inactivate Club Members
- Change the Password
- Add Events to Your Calendar
- Create A Class/Unit and Add Members
- Record A Member Progress
- Check Class Level Progress
- Update Ex-Director/Secretary’s Status/Role
- Grant Access To Staff/Parents
- Staff/Parent Access & Navigation
- Register for Conference Events
- Track Honors Earned
YMMS Tutoriales de español del club:
- Crear Una Cuenta Para El Director/Secretario
- Agregar miembros a su club - Manualmente
- Agregar miembros a su club - Auto agregar
- Activar O Desactivar Un Miembro Del Club
- Cambiar La Contraseña
- Agregar Eventos A Tu Calendario
- Crear Una Clase/Unidad Y Agregar Miembros
- Registrar El Progreso De Un Miembro
- Ver El Progreso De La Clase/Unidad
- Actualizar Función Del Exdirector/Secretario
- Conceder Acceso Al Personal/Padres
- Acceso y Navegación del Personal/Padre
- Inscríbase en los actos de la Conferencia
- Seguimiento de Honores Obtenidos
YMMS Area Coordinator Tutorials:
Contact Lonny Nelson with your YMMS Questions:
| Email: lonny@adventsource.org | Call or Text: 531-229-9444 |
Background Check: (required)

Adventist Screening Verification (Required)
Every driver, helper, cook, teacher, and volunteer must complete the background check.
Anyone that has not completed the the verification process will not be able to be registered for or permitted to attend Conference events & activities.
In other words Visiting Parents and Guests will not be allowed at the event unless you have registered them for the specific event.
Adventist Screening Verification or Sterling Volunteers does not give, report, or share any information to government agencies.
Background Checks are only done by looking at historical public information and does not alert government agencies to the names, whereabouts, or any identifying information of those that may be in the US without proper documentation.
Adventist Screening Verification o Sterling Volunteers no brinda, informa ni comparte ninguna información a las agencias gubernamentales.
Las verificaciones de antecedentes solo se realizan al observar información pública histórica y no alertan a las agencias gubernamentales sobre los nombres, el paradero o cualquier información de identificación de aquellos que pueden estar en los EE. UU. sin la documentación adecuada.
You need to know the "Verification Date" (the last date that your background check was made "Eligible").
Log into Adventist Verification Screening and retrieve your Background Check "Verification Date" (last eligible date).
If you have never done the background check, do it now.