Children's Ministries

Looking for wholesome, entertaining and educational programs for your kids?
You’ll find great kids programming such as Your Story Hour, Discovery Mountain, Awesome Science, Adventures in Odyssey, Brinkman Adventures and Nature Corner which will fuel their imaginations! You can find all of this and more at

The Kids' Connection...
a fun, interactive, experiential, hands-on experience with prayer for ages 6-10
What a wonderful time we had at The Kids’ Connection, Prayer Conference for children age 6-10 years on April 8-10 at the Lied Lodge in Nebraska City. The attendees were eager participants as we learned about different kinds of prayer through, games, stories, songs, painting and many other varied activities!

They learned about the 6 Keys to unlock successful prayer… Believe, Ask, Obey, Forgive, Intercede and Praise. Bible reading and highlighting scriptures about prayer in their My Place With Jesus It is Written Bibles as well as learning how to sing “The Lord’s Prayer” (a kids’ version), and learning how Jesus wipes away our sins at the Forgiveness Sand Trays were all part of our fun, experiential weekend with prayer! Kids have already told me, “We’ll be coming back!”

Why not treat your family to an inspiring and encouraging weekend by signing up for next year's Kansas-Nebraska Prayer Conference at the Lied Lodge in Nebraska City, Nebraska, April 14-16, 2023 and register your 6-10 year olds for The Kids' Connection! You'll be glad you did!
For more information or to register call: 785-478-4726 or email
Jesus 101 4 Kids
Check out the Bible story videos and downloadable coloring pages for kids at

Once a year the North American Division provides fabulous training on the subject of abuse. Abuse takes on many forms and affects all ages and all genders. Thank you for taking the time to educate yourself on this sensitive topic in order to create safe places in your homes, churches and communities as well as minister to those who have been hurt in the past. To be part of this free EnditNow Summit on Abuse simply click this link
Sunday, November 14 from 12:00-4:00 pm Central Time in English and Monday, November 15, 12:00-4:00 pm Central Time in Spanish.

Jesus 101 Biblical Institute Video Bible Stories for Kids
Your kids will enjoy these video Bible stories with downloadable coloring pages from Jesus 101 Biblical Institute!
Welcome to Jesus 101 4Kids! | Jesus 101
You can still join...
Life CPR: 8 weeks to healthier relationships!
Those who register are part of our free resource drawings each night! You must be present in the session when your name is drawn to win.
To register email: or call 785-478-4726
Our next session is Tuesday, May 25 @ 6:00 - 7:00 PM CDT

Life CPR - April 6, Session #1
Zoom Recording:
Life CPR - April 13, Session #2
Zoom Recording:
Life CPR - April 20, Session #3
Zoom Recording:
Life CPR - April 27, Session #4
Zoom Recording:
Life CPR - May 4, Session #5
Zoom Recording -
Life CPR - May 11, Session #6
Zoom Recording -
Life CPR - May 18, Session #7
Zoom Recording -
Life CPR - May 25, Session #8
Zoom Recording -
Life CPR Handouts:

Easter - How to make it meaningful and fun...
Hello Children’s Ministries Leaders!
I just read Luke 22 this morning for worship… How amazing to think of what happened that Easter weekend so long ago! Here are just a few ideas you could use to help the children in your churches reflect on the amazing sacrifice Jesus made for them.
Make some cards with pictures and sayings referring to Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. These could be given to neighbors, friends, nursing home residents or shut-ins. I’ve attached a sample picture and saying showing a math problem and cross.

Make a simple cross with sticks, twine and price tag saying “paid.” These could be for the children to simply take home or once again to be given to family, friends and neighbors.

Create a scavenger hunt in your Sabbath School room or if it’s nice weather outside in your church lawn. Take some time after the hunt to allow children to read scriptures that go along with each of the items they found. Here’s a link to print out the Resurrection Scavenger Hunt. Just scroll towards the bottom of the page.
We are all quite visual and having the children create the Garden with the Tomb scene pictured below while listening to you read the story of the week Jesus died in a modern child-friendly version of the Bible will help them picture the amazing events of that incredible weekend!
Thanks for turning the eyes of the children you minister to, to Jesus. Thank you for helping them think about of what He did for us that amazing Easter weekend so long ago!
Kids are the best… Here is the Easter story told through the eyes of children! They may not have gotten all of the details correct, but “It’s a miracle how He put Himself in the world with other people and He shared His gift with them.” “We honor Easter because we want to love Him too!”

Garden With Tomb Craft
Easter Resurrection Craft
- 2 Large Popsicle Sticks
- 1 Styrofoam bowl
- Grass from outside (or use store bought moss)
- Rocks from outside (or store bought)
- Brown Yarn
- Egg Shell -Brown or White
- Tape
Take your white Styrofoam bowl and fill it with the grass. Place and empty egg shell on top of the grass. Lay some rocks down and then make your wooden cross. Just take your 2 popsicle sticks and wrap the brown yarn around it to hold them together. Tie a knot in the back. Stick it down in the grass and put a small piece of tape behind the cross and press into bowl. This is so your cross won't fall over.
Kids feeling stressed out? Here's something that may help...
If you are a living, breathing human being you have relationships…If you are young you have relationships with siblings, parents, friends, classmates and teachers. If you are older you have relationships with children, spouses, friends and coworkers. Life CPR will give you tools to make these relationships the best they can be! Join us for a lighthearted and informative hour to help you improve the important relationships in your life Tuesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm April 6 to May 25 for Life CPR: 8 weeks to healthier relationships. To register or for questions email or call 785-478-4726.
Life CPR: 8 weeks to healthier relationships virtual event has a Kids' Q's worksheet that goes along with each of the 8 sessions. The worksheets allow children to express their thoughts and feelings on the various topics and parents can use them as a springboard for discussion with their children. It can be a very useful tool for parents to find out how their kids really are feeling emotionally...
It's a free 1hr per week zoom event for the whole family... young, old, married, single, male female... tips and tools on how to deal with relationships of all kinds... siblings, friends, parents, teachers, coworkers, spouses, etc.
The event is Tuesday evenings, April 6-May 25 from 6:00-7:00 pm.
For more information:
Thank you for sharing this in your churches, emailing it to friends and posting it on your social networks.

Quarantined at home? Let us help you with easy resources to make your home stay more pleasant!
Here's what's new this week in Children's Ministries!
Making Christmas Meaningful...
Thanks to Pastor Fred DaCosta and Whitni Carlson, Family Life Director for Wichita South Adventist Church
Advent Family Worship Part II
Worship Thought:
Jesus came to parents living in Nazareth, who traveled to Bethlehem to be counted, because Joseph's family was originally from Bethlehem, and that was the law. But Jesus' birth changed everything for all humans! Not just those who were living over 2000 years ago, but for all people around the world living today and even those who haven't been born yet! The angels' proclaimed that what the prophets like Micah foretold had come true!
Remember: What did Baby Jesus bring? He brought Peace and Goodwill for EVERYONE!
Thanks to Pastor Fred DaCosta and Whitni Carlson, Family Life Director for Wichita South Adventist Church
Advent Family Worship Part I
Worship Thought:
Before Jesus was born, the world was in complete darkness. Not darkness like when the lights are off at night, but darkness inside your heart. Sin, fear, selfishness, and anger brought darkness to everyone's hearts. Think about being in complete darkness. You cannot see or do much of anything at all. Because God wants us to do all the remarkable things He has planned for us, He sent Jesus to be our Light. He gave us HOPE! God sent us the Light of the World: Jesus as a little baby.
Remember: What did Baby Jesus bring? He brought Peace and Goodwill for EVERYONE!
Christmas Crafts with Meaning...

Stained Glass Nativity...
How about a craft that reminds you of the Christmas story?Here's a fun and beautiful nativity scene for your tree, window, or to give as a little gift to someone who's shut in to cheer them up!
Clear Contac paper, squares of multicolored tissue paper, scissors and nativity silhouette cut from black construction paper.
- Lay out your contact paper sticky side up.
- Center your nativity silhouette on top of the contact paper.
- Begin placing squares of tissue paper inside the nativity silhouette to create the look of stained glass.
- Once the nativity is filled with tissue paper, lay a second sheet of contact paper on top of the entire project. Be careful not to trap air bubbles.
- Trim the excess contact paper with scissors.
- You can either tape your stained glass nativity to your window or use a hole punch and hang it from a string. Either way, it will look great.
Cookie Jar Nativity Scene...

I thought this was a beautiful nativity scene and one that elementary or middle school children could enjoy. Here's a pictorial direction guide...

Rustic Advent Calendar...

Why not create a simple, stone Advent Calendar to count the days until Christmas? Simply remove one stone each day till the wise men reach the stable. You can buy cheap wooden peg dolls to use as people or use Fisher Price people. Here's a link on Amazon where you can purchase the peg dolls.
You could read these scriptures with your children each day as you remove a stone...

Christmas Scavenger Hunt...
Want a little fun and activity? Why not challenge your family with a Christmas Scavenger Hunt?
Operation Christmas Child...
What a great way to teach the spirit of giving at Christmas by selecting online gifts to give a child in need. It's fun and easy... Only $25 and you select the gender, age category, and choose from the selection of gifts they show you. You can do it together as a family in the comfort of your living room! Why not start a new tradition of blessing those in need?
ADRA Really Great Gift Catalog...
As a family look over the many types of gifts you can give to someone in need and choose the ones you think will do the most good. There's a variety to choose from! Tell your kids how much you think you can afford to give and then let them pick! What a great way to celebrate the true spirit of the season! It will help open your children's eyes (and maybe your own) to see the many ways we can help people in need!
Why not start the 2021 New Year off with a special focus on praying with your children?
General Conference Adventist Children's Ministries have designed these short, focused worship times for you to enjoy with your children.
10 Days of Prayer - January 6-16, 2021
End it Now Summit on Abuse is live now! Vital information regarding abuse. Click here to view Summit.
Don't Talk to Strangers is an important message to tell our children.
What if the person who is making them uncomfortable is someone they know?
This is a vital conversation every parent should have with their child!
This book will help children know what to do...
You Have a Voice
by Marie Pflugrad
There is both good and evil in this world, and unfortunately, our precious children can be exposed to and experience some very dark and terrible things-- nothing any child should have to endure. It’s of the utmost importance that our children have a safe haven and that we teach them that they indeed have a voice and can express when they are hurt, scared, or abused. They need to learn who to trust and how to know the difference. They need to feel heard and understood, and we adults need to take children’s words and actions seriously and do all in our power to protect them.
In this book, you will meet Joetta and her three woodland puppets. Through these puppets and their stories, children will learn what is and what is not appropriate behavior. And what to do if faced with similar situations. They will learn that they can use their voice to say “Stop!” “No!” and to tell people until they are heard.
To order your copy of this important book at the sale price of $7.99 (regular price $9.99) call Peggy Glass at the Adventist Book Center at 402-488-3801.
Faith by Tommy Books - Written by Mark Brown
Adam the Raccoon Series by Glen Keane

Hi Friends … Children’s Sabbath video is here! Check out
English is uploaded and Spanish is coming real soon! Keep checking back! Download time is literally about 3 minutes, but a joyful 3 minutes filled with music.
This is such a fun video! Stories, activities, fun songs with actions, scriptures and mission feature! Tell your families they can download the emojis, the rockwall and coloring page ahead of time so they can participate along with the video.
The video is 52 minutes in length. You could send this link to your families and they could use it for their own virtual Sabbath School program, church service or Sabbath afternoon activity. You could also share this video personally via Zoom and connect with your families. And following the program why not ask them what they learned? This video would primarily appeal to Kindergarten, Primary and Junior age children.
We are excited to see what our churches are doing for Children’s Sabbath! But if you already have big plans for this Sabbath you are free to use this video on another Sabbath that might work out a bit better for your church. Thanks for what you are doing to stay connected with the children and families in your churches during these challenging times!