Drilling & Marching Experience
The Kansas Nebraska Drilling & Marching Experience at the Spring Camporee is fun and exciting for those marching but also those watching.
Bellow you will find the Rules as well as the Score Sheets to be used at the Competition. It is our hope that every club will enter one or more teams at any of the levels.

The Basic Score sheet is used by the Judges to score a Basic Drill team. There are four judges scoring separately and then combined into the "Final Score Sheet".

The Advanced Score Sheet is used by the Judges to score an Advanced Drill team. There are four judges scoring separately and then combined into the "Final Score Sheet".

The Freestyle score sheet is used by the Judges to score a freestyle drill team. There are four judges scoring separately and then combined into the "Final Score Sheet".

The Final Score sheet is used to merge the score from four judges into a final placement.